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Gender inequalities in alcohol consumption: a shared responsibility

A multitude of factors influence women’s alcohol consumption and contribute to its impact on their lives.

Several issues continue to fuel the inequalities that women face, including:

  • The lack of knowledge and prevention regarding the impact of alcohol on women’s health
  • The lack of initiatives to ensure women’s safety in substance use environments
  • The perpetuation of sexist stereotypes in alcohol advertisements
  • The stigmatization of women who consume alcohol, who are intoxicated, or who struggle with addiction.

Initiatives and collective actions can be implemented by citizens, healthcare and social services professionals, individuals working in the alcohol industry, as well as those in the communications and marketing sectors. Here are some recommendations to help make a difference.

I work in the healthcare or social services sector

Stigmatization and discrimination are major obstacles to seeking help. Here are a few ways to mitigate their impacts:

  • Approach women’s alcohol consumption with kindness and without judgment, whether they are mothers or pregnant.
  • Develop more resources tailored to the needs of women facing alcohol-related challenges.
  • Strengthen collaboration between health and addiction organizations to ensure continuity of services.
  • Promote the active participation of women in the development of resources for prevention, research, harm reduction, and treatment.
  • Foster women’s autonomy in their ability to make informed choices.

I work in the communications and marketing field

Marketing influences social perceptions and consumption behaviors. Here are some initiatives to help reduce gender stereotypes related to alcohol consumption:

  • Limit advertising and promotional strategies that encourage alcohol consumption among groups more vulnerable to alcohol-related harms, including women.
  • Prohibit sexist stereotypes used to market alcoholic products to women.
  • Avoid promoting a specific lifestyle for women in advertising campaigns and marketing strategies designed to sell alcohol.
  • Tighten the enforcement of marketing regulations more strictly.

I work in the alcohol industry or the nightlife and party sector

To ensure the safety of women in alcohol consumption settings, several actions can be implemented:

  • Offer attractive non-alcoholic options on menus.
  • Ban “Ladies’ Nights” and the offering of free alcoholic drinks for women.
  • Promote gender equality in staff recruitment and train staff on women’s safety.
  • Only contract security companies that have trained their staff on women’s safety.
  • Design venues with proper lighting, surveillance cameras, and secure spaces for women, while facilitating access to safe transportation.

I want to be an ally

Citizens can act as allies by challenging sexist stereotypes and the alcohol consumption culture. Here are some recommendations:

  • Normalize the choice to drink or not drink alcohol, and provide non-alcoholic options at events.
  • Educate yourself about women’s safety, support venues and events that prioritize it, and be an active bystander in alcohol consumption settings.
  • Speak out against sexist messages in alcohol marketing.
  • Take seriously the concerns of women who feel unsafe or report assault or a drug-facilitated intoxication.
  • Do not place the entire responsibility for safety on women.
  • Avoid perpetuating stereotypes by choosing respectful actions and language.
The "Naviguer ensemble" podcast

How to talk to teens about substances

Coffee, alcohol, tobacco, cannabis: psychoactive substances are attractive during adolescence. However, they can impact the development of young people. In this episode of the “Naviguer ensemble” podcast (available only in French), produced by the Positive Mental Health team at ASPQ, learn how to approach substance use with your teen, featuring guests who bring both experience and expertise to promote safe consumption.

To learn more, visit Projet Cumulus and positivementalhealth.ca websites.

What is a rape culture?

Watch this video (available only in French) to learn more.

Are you looking for resources?

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