The Alcohol & Women project is led by the Substance Use Team at the Association pour la Santé Publique du Québec (ASPQ), an independent non-profit organization that brings together citizen partners and organizations to make sustainable health through prevention a priority.
The Alcohol & Women project aims to inform women about the impacts of alcohol consumption on their lives and to raise public awareness of the various challenges they encounter. Click here to learn more about the project’s approach (available only in French). Discover the tools developed as part of the project, as well as several initiatives created by partners on the Resources page.
This project was made possible with the financial support of the Secrétariat à la condition féminine (Secretariat for the status of women) of Quebec. The Psychoactive Substances Team at the ASPQ would like to thank the various collaborators who worked on the Alcohol & Women project, particularly the members of the advisory committee and the citizen committee.
For media inquiries, please contact our team at ASPQ.